經常腸胃不適、胃脹、腹痛、便秘或腹瀉?  <br> 你可能患上腸躁症(IBS Irritable bowel syndrome)

IBS is a common functional disorder of the intestines characterized by symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits.

Abdominal pain or gastrointestinal discomfort, sometimes intermittent, spasmodic, sharp, or cramping sensation.

Changes in bowel habits:
a. Frequent diarrhea.
b. Frequent constipation, dry and hard stools, feeling of incomplete emptying.
c. Mixed type, alternating between diarrhea and constipation.

Abdominal bloating, feeling of fullness in the abdomen.

Many people associate functional gastrointestinal disorders with a lack of probiotics and do not consider the possibility of underlying intestinal health issues.

In recent years, researchers in Sweden have conducted studies on a purified capsaicin substance called aXivite (scientifically known as Phenylcapsaicin ) for managing intestinal health, aXivite have a positive effect on general gut health and microflora and may therefore have a positive effect when treating IBS and intestinal permeability.

The benefits of aXivite (Phenylcapsaicin) for intestinal health include:

· Anti-inflammatory effect:
It helps to reduce intestinal inflammation by decreasing the release of inflammatory mediators and suppressing the inflammatory response, thereby relieving symptoms caused by intestinal inflammation.

· Pain relief:
· Phenylcapsaicin is believed to have analgesic properties, which can alleviate abdominal pain and discomfort, one of the most common symptoms in IBS patients. Capsaicin stimulates the capsaicin receptors in the intestines, inhibiting the transmission of pain signals and reducing pain perception.

· Regulation of intestinal motility:
Phenylcapsaicin can influence the movement function of the intestines, helping to regulate bowel habits. It promotes gastrointestinal motility, increases the frequency and intensity of intestinal contractions, and helps improve changes in bowel habits such as constipation and diarrhea.

· Reduction of gas accumulation:
Phenylcapsaicin may promote the elimination of intestinal gas, helping to reduce bloating and problems related to the accumulation of gas in the intestines, which is a common complaint among IBS patients.

· Improvement of intestinal wall health, enhancing intestinal barrier function, effectively blocking the passage of harmful bacteria and toxins through the intestinal gaps.

· Promotion of beneficial bacteria growth in the intestines, favoring a healthy gut microbiota and enhancing metabolism.

The discovery made by aXichem AB in Sweden has made significant contributions to improving intestinal health. They have patented this discovery and obtained EU Novel Food registration as well as FDA/GRAS certification in the United States. The use of aXivite as a dietary supplement for intestinal health has become extremely popular in Europe and America, providing relief and solutions for many individuals with intestinal health issues.

Gut health and weight control
Ingredients: aXivite (Phenylcapsaicin)

Learn More

https://axivite.com/clinical-trial-weight-and-gut-health/ https://axivite.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/aXichem_salessheets_Gut_health_axivite_230425_2.pdf