
One Essential Food for Frequent Mobile Users

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s common to see individuals, whether on the street or in vehicles, engrossed in their mobile devices. On average, n...
世界肝炎日 4個護肝好習慣

World Hepatitis Day: 4 Good Habits for Liver

Every year on July 28th, World Hepatitis Day is celebrated globally, with governments and medical organizations from all countries urging people to take collective action to prevent and protect against hepatitis, safeguarding their health...(read more)

超級元素 硫辛酸ALA <br> 維護肝臟健康4大益處

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA): 4 Key Benefits for Liver Health

The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body, responsible for various critical functions such as metabolism, detoxification, and...
苯基辣椒素aXivite™ 助你健康塑身  臨床實證 8周減4磅

aXivite™ (Phenylcapsaicin)helps you achieve a healthy body shape. Clinical evidence: 4-pound weight loss in 8 weeks.

Clinical evidence shows that aXivite™ (Phenylcapsaicin)helps burn fat and accelerate metabolism, resulting in a 4-pound weight loss over 8 weeks. ...
4大元素保持腦筋靈活 <br>要幸福到老,健康到老,40歲開始 就要防腦退化

The Importance of Preventing Brain Degeneration from the Age of 40
To be happy and healthy in old age, don't forget to prevent your brain from aging!

For many people, turning 40 is a significant milestone. This age marks the entry into middle age, which also means that the body and brain begin to...
薑黃素 <br> 為何是濕疹的潛在剋星 <br> 減癢去紅腫、抗炎、抗過敏

Curcumin - A Potential Nemesis for Eczema Relieving Itching, Redness, and Swelling, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-allergic

Eczema and dermatitis are common skin conditions characterized by symptoms such as dryness, redness, itching, and inflammation. The causes can be i...
經常腸胃不適、胃脹、腹痛、便秘或腹瀉?  <br> 你可能患上腸躁症(IBS Irritable bowel syndrome)

Frequently experiencing gastrointestinal discomfort, bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea? You might be suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

IBS is a common functional disorder of the intestines characterized by symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits. Abdo...
經常做運動,關節壓力大<br> 膠原蛋白對關節健康至為重要

Collagen supplementation should be a must for athletes

Athletes often engage in high-intensity training or long-term running, which causes greater impact and burden on joints. Joint wear and tear will d...

What are the benefits of collagen? Why Scandinavian fish collagen is the best?

How to Choose Collagen Peptides? Collagen peptides are available in various forms and from different sources. Here are some factors to consider whe...
揀魚油必須揀 <br>非精製挪威三文魚油 <br>天然、純淨、健康

A Norwegian Health Product
Non refined Natural Omega-3 Salmon Oil

aXimed’s Natural Omega-3 Salmon Oil is extracted from fresh salmon living in the pure, coastal water of western Norway. This ensures that the Omega...
魚肝油≠魚油 <br> 為什麼多吃魚油而不是魚肝油?

Why Choose Fish Oil over Cod Liver Oil?

In the pursuit of a healthy diet, both fish oil and cod liver oil are highly regarded natural supplements. However, some experts tend to recommend ...
改善腸道健康不能只靠益生菌! <br> 最新臨床實證aXivite™ <br> 有助改善腸道菌群生態、實現腸道健康!

How can axivite™ (phenylcapsaicin) supports your gut health without taking probiotics.

axivite™ (Phenylcapsaicin) is a globally patented registered product of aXichem AB, Sweden. It has been clinically proven to help improve intestina...