人口老化 港人平均壽命全球No.1 如何活出健康晚年?

Due to the development of medical technologies, people’s average life expectancy continues to increase. Every country in the world is experiencing growth in the proportion of elderly in the population.1

According to the World Health Organization, the number of people aged 60 or above will be doubled between 2020 and 2050. However, the proportion of life in good health has kept broadly constant, indicating that the additional years of elderly are in poor health.2

How to maintain healthy in our old ages?, 人口老化 港人平均壽命全球No.1 如何活出健康晚年?

Common health problems of elderly

  • Decline in immunity, fatigue
  • Vision deterioration
  • Joint pain (inflammation problems)
  • Cardiovascular problem
  • Chronic diseases

These health problems not only lower the quality of life of the elderly, but also involve lots of treatment courses and increase their financial burden.

How to maintain healthy in our old ages?, 人口老化 港人平均壽命全球No.1 如何活出健康晚年?

How to maintain healthy in our old ages?, 人口老化 港人平均壽命全球No.1 如何活出健康晚年?

How to live a long and healthy life?

Health is the long-term investment with the greatest reward. Want to maintain health in your old age? Let’s start to make some changes today!

1. Avoid alcohol and smoking. Sleep early

2. Have a balanced diet, consume less sugar and salt

  • Get enough high bioavailability protein
  • Consume less processed food
    -Processed meat such as sausage is listed along with tobacco and alcohol as Group 1 carcinogens by WHO
  • Consume at least 1.5 bowls of cooked vegetables and 2 fist-sized fruits daily
  • Adequate fiber intake (about 25 grams per day)
    -For example: replace white rice with oatmeal or red rice to increase fiber intake
  • Consume adequate omega-3
  • -Cardiovascular protecting effect of Omega-3 has been approved by US FDA. omega-3 also helps to prevent cardiovascular and brain problems, lubricate joint and maintain its flexibility

3. Weight control

  • Overweight can increase the risk of cardiovascular and joint problems; underweight can also lead to various health problems
  • If you are underweight or overweight for a long period of time, your immunity may be weakened and increase the chance of getting disease
  • Studies showed that consuming enough protein facilitates muscle growth. Whey protein (derived from cow's milk) contains essential amino acids which are the raw material for muscle building. It’s low-fat and low-carb which can increase muscle mass without gaining fat, it contains a variety of globulins that help to boost immunity. The elderly has low digestion and absorption ability, whey protein is highly water-soluble and easy to be absorbed, which is the best supplement for the elderly!

How to maintain healthy in our old ages?, 人口老化 港人平均壽命全球No.1 如何活出健康晚年?

How to maintain healthy in our old ages?, 人口老化 港人平均壽命全球No.1 如何活出健康晚年?

4. Eye protection

  • Take a 30-second break for every half hour of work or reading
  • Consume more anthocyanins which help to protect eyes from the damage of blue light. Lutein also helps to maintain macular health, protect the lens and sharpen the vision

5. Regular exercises

  • Such as walking or swimming, which helps to maintain joint flexibility
  • Having 150 minutes of exercise per week

6. Keep in a good mood, always stay calm

Keeping in good physical and mental health is the best way to achieve long and healthy life.


  1. Centre for health protection (HKSAR)
  2. World Health Organization