秋高氣爽、行山遠足 <br />關節健康是底氣!

October is here, with its refreshing autumn air, making it a great season for hiking and outdoor adventures. It is a beneficial activity for everyone. If you have joint issues, it is advisable to choose walks in the park to still enjoy the essence of autumn.

Staying active, hiking, and walking are beneficial for muscle and joint health!

  1. Increased muscle strength:

    Whether it's hiking or walking in the park, these activities can improve muscle elasticity and strength, as well as strengthen bones and joints, reducing the risk of joint degeneration and osteoporosis.

  2. Improved joint stability:

    Either walking or hiking helps enhance the stability of joints like the knees and ankles. They also strengthen the muscles around the joints and improve coordination.

  3. Enhanced blood circulation:

    Good blood circulation provides ample nutrients and oxygen to joint tissues, promoting repair and regeneration while reducing the risk of metabolic waste buildup and joint inflammation.

  4. Boosted mental well-being:

    Walking and exploring in nature can alleviate stress, improve mood, help relax the mind and body, reduce anxiety and depression, it contributes to overall well beings.

Many people with joint pain may find hiking and outdoor activities challenging.
Three elements that help improve joint health issues:

Many joint problems arise from inflammation caused by pressure and friction between the joints, including seasonal joint pain due to weather changes.

  • Natural Omega-3 fish oil has been widely proven to have anti-inflammatory effects. Its unsaturated fatty acids provide cell nourishment, making it helpful in alleviating joint pain caused by joint friction.

  • Long-term friction between joint cartilage can lead to erosion and loss of elasticity, increasing pressure on the joints. Collagen peptides can help repair joint cartilage, enhance elasticity, reduce stress from body weight and movement, and improve joint health.

  • Obesity is also a contributing factor to joint pain. Excessive weight puts pressure on the body's bones and joints, accelerating joint cushion erosion and causing joint inflammation and pain. Improving body weight is beneficial for joints and not an impossible mission. It requires patience, adopting healthy eating habits, and incorporating moderate exercise. In recent clinical trials, consuming 60 mg of phylcapsaicin 2 times daily for eight weeks has been shown to improve gut health, accelerate fat burning, and result in a weight reduction of 1.96 kg.
  • Joint problems are no longer exclusive to the elderly. Maintaining joint health should start from a young age!