膠原蛋白 - 人體不可缺少的一個重要結構蛋白

Benefits of Collagen from Arctic Cod Fish

Collagen is an essential structural protein found in the skin, bones, muscles, blood vessels, and other connective tissues in the human body. It pl...
世界糖尿病日 - 糖尿病有幾型?什麼人會患上糖尿病?

World Diabetes Day - What are the different types of diabetes? Who is at risk of developing diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease primarily characterized by high blood sugar levels, which can have adverse effects on multiple systems in the body. B...
8招護養前列腺 - 助你闖過一關又一關

8 Tips for Prostate Care - Helping you to overcome with prostate problem

Don't think that prostate problems only occur after middle age. The prostate maintains a normal size when you turned 30, but there is a chance that...
世界視覺日 - 守護眼睛、欣賞美好事物

World Sight Day: Protecting our eyes, enjoy a beautiful world

The second Thursday of October each year is designated as World Sight Day, a day to remind us to cherish our vision and prioritize eye health. Our ...
秋高氣爽、行山遠足 <br />關節健康是底氣!

Go hiking in the autumn breeze
Joint health gives you confidence and vitality!

October is here, with its refreshing autumn air, making it a great season for hiking and outdoor adventures. It is a beneficial activity for everyone. If you have joint issues, it is advisable to choose walks in the park to still enjoy the essence of autumn...(read more)

視力好、好未來<br />保護兒童眼睛健康必讀

Good Eyes, Bright Future
A few suggestions for Protecting Children's Eye Health

Children's eyes are the windows through which they explore the world, making it crucial to protect their eye health. In today's digital world, children face increasing challenges of prolonged screen time and close-range visual activities. In addition to the...(read more)

世界心臟日丨5個生活習慣 遠離心臟病

World Heart Day | 5 Tips to Prevent Heart Disease

September 29th every year is The World Heart Day, aimed at raising awareness about heart health and encouraging people to adopt positive lifestyle habits to prevent heart disease. We would like to share a few tips for keeping your heart healthy...(read more)

奧米加-3<br />兒童成長不可或缺的營養元素

Omega-3: Essential Nutrient for Children's Growth

Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial nutrients for children during their growth period. Omega-3 fatty acids primarily include EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which play a key role in children's growth and development...(read more)

低心率與運動表現的關係<br />Maxlethic有助降低最大心率

Maxlethic / aXvite™ helps reduce maximum heart rate

A low heart rate is an indicator of good athletic performance, especially in endurance sports. This is because a low heart rate means the heart is more efficient in pumping blood throughout the body, allowing for greater delivery of oxygen to the muscles, enabling athletes to perform at higher levels...(read more)

什麼是休息心率?<br />正常的休息心率又是多少?

What is resting heart rate?
What is considered a normal resting heart rate?

Resting heart rate refers to the number of times the heart beats per minute when the body is at rest, typically after waking up in the morning or after a prolonged period of sitting. It is measured in beats per minute (bpm). Resting heart rate is an important physiological indicator that can reflect the health of the heart and the efficiency of the cardiovascular system...(read more)

1種食材<br />可以減肥兼提升消化功能

One Ingredient for Weight Loss and Improved Gut Health

Did you know that there is a food ingredient commonly found in people's daily diets that can help burn fat and improve gut health? Chili peppers are a popular culinary ingredient that not only adds colour and spiciness to dishes but also contains capsaicin, which has been found to aid in fat loss. Capsaicin is the main active component of chili peppers and possesses a range of unique biological activities and health benefits...(read more)

乳清蛋白、抗癌路上不可少! <br />提供全面營養、增加肌肉量、提升免疫力

Whey Protein, Essential on the Journey of Cancer Treatment

The benefits of whey protein in cancer treatment have been widely recognized. It provides essential nutrition, promotes recovery and muscle growth, and also enhances immune function, providing vital support and assistance to cancer patients...(read more)