為何選擇北歐藍莓精華?, aXimed, 挪威阿斯麥, Cyana Bilberry Extract,

Potential Benefits of Anthocyanins in Nordic Bilberries for Eye Health

Nordic (Scandinavia) bilberries are rich in anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid, which have been extensively studied for their potential benefits to eye health. Anthocyanins play a unique role in eye health and are believed to provide several advantages...(read more)

2023慶祝父親節 如何給爸爸一個窩心的父親節, aXimed,

Celebrating Father's Day in 2023: How to Give Father a Heartwarming Father's Day

Due to work commitments, we rarely get the opportunity to have breakfast with our fathers. Even on weekends, we often hesitate to go out for dim sum due to the long waiting times...(read more)

Omega-3,6,9脂肪酸,如何吃才健康, aXimed,

Omega-3,6,9 fatty acids, are they all good?
Wrong choice can damage your health!

Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega 9 fatty acids are all important dietary fats for our health, some fatty acids are good for cardiovascular health, while others can cause inflammation in the body, therefore a balanced intake is beneficial for health...(read more)

硫辛酸(ALA)4種方式 有助提升肝臟健康, Alpha Lipoic Acid Supports Liver Health, aXimed

Alpha Lipoic Acid Supports Liver Health

ALA is a potent antioxidant that can neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that can damage cells and contribute to liver injury...(read more)

淺談飛蚊症, aXimed, 挪威阿斯麥, 葉黃素, Omega-3,

Talking about Floaters

We often hear "floaters", what exactly is it? What is its cause? Is there any way to improve the symptoms? All these are eye health problems that many people want to know...(read more)

兩種抗氧化物有助眼睛不受自由基攻擊, aXimed, 挪威阿斯麥,

Two antioxidants can help to protect our eyes from free radical damage.

Lutein from marigolds and anthocyanins from Nordic blueberries are both natural antioxidants that are believed to be beneficial for eye health. Lutein is mainly found in yellow vegetables or flowers and citrus fruits, while anthocyanins are mainly found in dark fruits and vegetables, such as bilberries, purple grapes, purple onions, etc. When taken together these two antioxidants can provide a comprehensive protective effect on the eyes...(read more)


Exercise muscles to prevent falls

As we grow older, the muscles of the body are gradually lost, and the binding force on the bones is insufficient, resulting in a decrease in mobility and easy falls and injuries. Therefore, older people need to exercise...(read more)


Three good antioxidants for men’s health!

Studies suggest that the combination of lycopene, selenium, and zinc may be beneficial for prostate health. Lycopene is a carotenoid pigment that is found in high concentrations in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables. Science suggests that...(read more)

乳清蛋白有助老年人克服肌少症 增加體重 提高體能

Whey Protein Helps Elderly Overcome Sarcopenia, Gain Weight and Improve Physical Performance

Whey protein is not only suitable for fitness enthusiasts. Whey protein can help the elderly to gain weight. The decline in lean muscle mass with age may lead to sarcopenia, which leads to decreased function and independence in the elderly. Therefore, the elderly must take appropriate whey protein to help build muscle and...(read more)


Why should I choose curcumin boosted with aXivite?

Curcumin isa natural compound found in turmeric, while aXitive is a patented technology that enhances the absorption and bioavailability of curcumin in the body. This technology uses a natural blend of ingredients, including turmeric oil and lecithin, to create a unique formulation that improves the solubility and stability of curcumin...(read more)

aXivite能提高薑黃素的吸收率嗎?, aXimed,

Can aXivite enhances bioavailability of curcumin?

Curcumin is a natural compound found in the turmeric plant and has been extensively studied for its potential health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. However, curcumin has poor bioavailability, which means that it is not easily absorbed...(read more)

薑黃素或有助降低濕疹症狀, 改善皮膚健康, aXimed, 挪威阿斯麥,

Curcumin May Help Reduce Eczema Symptoms

Curcumin is a natural compound found in turmeric that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Some research suggests that curcumin may help treat certain skin conditions, including eczema...(read more)