
Why should I choose curcumin boosted with aXivite?

Curcumin isa natural compound found in turmeric, while aXitive is a patented technology that enhances the absorption and bioavailability of curcumin in the body. This technology uses a natural blend of ingredients, including turmeric oil and lecithin, to create a unique formulation that improves the solubility and stability of curcumin...(read more)

aXivite能提高薑黃素的吸收率嗎?, aXimed,

Can aXivite enhances bioavailability of curcumin?

Curcumin is a natural compound found in the turmeric plant and has been extensively studied for its potential health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. However, curcumin has poor bioavailability, which means that it is not easily absorbed...(read more)

薑黃素或有助降低濕疹症狀, 改善皮膚健康, aXimed, 挪威阿斯麥,

Curcumin May Help Reduce Eczema Symptoms

Curcumin is a natural compound found in turmeric that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Some research suggests that curcumin may help treat certain skin conditions, including eczema...(read more)

薑黃素有助改善癌症患者的生活質素, aXimed,

Curcumin helps improve quality of life for cancer patients

We would like to share an exciting review of clinical studies on curcumin consumption during cancer treatment. The review indicates that there is strong support to the theory that curcumin increases the effect of both chemotherapy and radiation therapy, as well as improving patient survival time...(read more)

進食淡水魚-並非絕對健康安全, aXimed,

Freshwater fish is not necessarily always healthy

More and more warnings for contaminants and chemicals in fish are published. Of course, we think that a healthy and varied diet supplemented with Natural Omega-3 Salmon Oil is the best...(read more)

轉季濕疹又發作? 營養師教路 一文看清6大舒緩法, aXimed, 挪威阿斯麥,

轉季濕疹又發作? 營養師教路 一文看清6大舒緩法

(Traditional Chinese only) 冬天又凍又乾,轉眼到潮濕溫暖的春天,濕疹發作又痕又癢點算好?香港衛生署認可營養師Kandy Cheung為您講解6大改善小貼士……(繼續閱讀)
4大美肌魔法 完美肌膚迎接情人節, aXimed, 挪威阿斯麥

4大美肌魔法 完美肌膚迎接情人節

(Traditional Chinese only) 情人節想以最佳狀態示人?除了漂亮的服飾外,淨白透彈的肌膚亦是重點。如何逆轉肌齡,重回初見時光……(繼續閱讀)
世界癌症日丨5個生活習慣 1個生活環境 降患癌風險

World Cancer Day Let's Get Together

Every February 4th is the "World Cancer Day". It was initiated by the International Anti-Cancer Union UICC in 2000 to promote organizations in various countries to accelerate cancer research and development of prevention and treatment options. Cancer is a global epidemic and occurs in all...(read more)



(Traditional Chinese only) 農曆新年佳節過後,經過狂歡暴飲暴食,血管內廢物量急升!再加上放假夜瞓、瞓得少、甚至日夜顛倒,成個人變得又攰、皮膚又黃!不過唔駛怕,立即睇節日後3招快速補救大法……(繼續閱讀)
乳清蛋白 最全面的營養補品|強化免疫力 增肌健骨 護腸胃

乳清蛋白 最全面的營養補品|強化免疫力 增肌健骨 護腸胃

(Traditional Chinese only) 乳清蛋白是從牛奶分離出來的珍貴蛋白質(少於1%),是營養最全面的天然蛋白質,有「蛋白之王」的稱號。含全面人體必需氨基酸,含量和比例與人體需要的非常接近,極易被人體吸收利用。除補充人體所需的蛋白質外,還提升免疫力,調節胃腸機能、促進肌肉製造及骨質合成,是不可多得的……(繼續閱讀)
賀年糕點熱量大比拼|營養師教路︰如何健康過新年 免墮三高陷阱,

賀年糕點熱量大比拼|營養師教路︰如何健康過新年 免墮三高陷阱

(Traditional Chinese only) 農曆新年又到啦,除咗出外拜年,少不免要食下糕點應下節,但唔少都屬高卡高脂,一不小心隨時墮入三高陷阱,增血管負荷。點先可以食得精明,健康過新年?一於認清各糕點熱量,同埋睇下香港衛生署認可營養師Kandy Cheung有咩好建議……(繼續閱讀)
預防前列問題 | 3款營養素  蕃茄紅素、鋅和硒 | 每位男士飲食中不可或缺!

Essential supplement for prostate: Lycopene, Zinc and Selenium

Problems in the prostate are among the most common health problems for men as they age, as seven out of ten men will experience them! However, these problems can be prevented or cured. European and American research...(read more)

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