北歐野生藍莓 增進你的視力 解決眼睛疲勞問題

Enhances eye health by bilberry extract

What is bilberry extract? Bilberries can only grow in natural polar forests and cannot be cultivated. Therefore, bilberries are also praised as the "blue nobility"...(read more)



(Traditional Chinese only) 魚油丸含有豐富的Omega-3,有助護心健腦,對關節及穩定情緒亦有莫大功效,對人體健康十分重要。市面魚油丸選擇眾多,但到底邊隻好?最近權威消費機構測試了25款魚油補充劑樣本,發現全部含污染物!到底邊款魚油先至最優質安全……(繼續閱讀)
什麼是生物增強劑 (Bioenhancer)?

What is a bioavailability enhancer (Bioenhancer)?

Numerous nutrients are poor in their bioavailability, not easy to take up. Bioenhancers are a solution to this problem. Numerous nutrients are poor in their bioavailability, not easy to take up. Bioenhancers are a solution to...(read more)

aXivite™ - 一個獲全球多項專利的超級新型食品

aXivite™ - A Super Novel Food with multiple global patents

aXivite™ (Phenylcapsaicin )- Super Novel Food

aXivite™ is a new hot ingredient developed and studied by aXichem AB

in Sweden during more than ten years and has achieved multiple...(read more)

眼光光瞓唔著?易醒瞓極都攰?<br />1招呼吸法+2大生活營養貼士踢走失眠


(Traditional Chinese only) 現代人生活節奏急速、壓力大,易出現失眠問題。中大有研究指,近7成港人有失眠問題。難入睡、易醒等困擾不少人士,長期失眠可影響心理及增各項健康問題風險……(繼續閱讀)
印度人唔易有頑疾、腦退化 同佢哋日常飲食其中1種食物有關!

印度人唔易有頑疾、腦退化 同佢哋日常飲食其中1種食物有關!

(Traditional Chinese only) 根據世界衛生組織(WHO)以往資料顯示,印度人頑疾發病率,是美國人的七分之一,食道頑疾的發病率更是特別低。腦退化發病率亦只有美國人的四分之一,印度某些地區更低至不到1%!極低的發病率引發研究人員……(繼續閱讀)
人口老化 港人平均壽命全球No.1 如何活出健康晚年?

How to maintain healthy in our old ages?

According to the World Health Organization, the number of people aged 60 or above will be doubled between 2020...(read more)

魚油≠魚肝油<br />功效大不同 立即看清3大分別

Fish oil ≠ cod liver oil Understanding their 3 main differences

Consuming supplements is common nowadays, fish oil is one of the popular health supplements, however, some people...(read more)

5 tips for maintaining prostate health, aXimed LycoSelen,

5 tips for maintaining prostate health

Prostate problem is common in middle-aged men and brings much inconvenience and uncomfortable feeling to them...(read more)

aXimed Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), 挪威阿斯麥 硫辛酸 (ALA),

Protect liver, enhance health

Some experts pointed out that, it could accumulate up to 50 pounds of toxins in the human body, which might...(read more)

慢性發炎 百病之源 一分鐘即測係咪高危族!

Chronic inflammation is the cause of various health problems

Inflammation was regarded as "secret killer" by TIME magazine. Various health problems are caused by chronic...(read more)

aXimed Melatonin aXivite™, 挪威阿斯麥睡眠好aXivite™,

Melatonin: a key factor of good sleep?

Survey from CUHK indicated almost 7 out of 10 Hong Konger experience insomnia. We spend 1/3 of our life on sleep...(read more)